APSN / HKSN CME Course 2018

29 September 2018

Please click here for the final program.

Click on the title to download talk as a PDF file (if available).

1. Immunoregulatory Role of Tissue Microenvironment in Kidney Injury
Prof. Mark OKUSA (USA)

2. Basic Epidemiology presented in a Palatable Way: the problem of Bias
Prof. Kitty JAGER (the Netherlands)

3. Blood Pressure Targets in CKD Patients in the post SPRINT Era
Prof. Carmine ZOCCALI (Italy)

4. Hypertension Metrics in Renal Transplantation
Prof. Francesca MALLAMACI (Italy)

5. The AKI to CKD Continuum: a Clinical Perspective
Prof. Masaomi NANGAKU (Japan)

6. CVD in PD Patients: Prevalence and Risk Factors
Prof. Xueqing YU (China)

7. A Decision for the Elderly with Renal Failure: take an old kidney or remain on dialysis
Prof. Julio PASCUAL (Spain)

8. Case Record from the Interhospital Meeting
The First ABO-incompatible Kidney Transplant in Hong Kong
Dr. Maggie MA (HK)



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