Nephrology – The Official Journal of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology

© Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology

Aim and Scope

Nephrology is published twelve times per year by the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology to disseminate most updated knowledge and research findings in all aspects of Nephrology.

The current Impact Factor is 2.506.

Editor-in-Chief: Yusuke Suzuki (Japan)

Click here for Recent issues

Manuscript Submission and Author Guidelines

The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and its significance to our readership. Except where otherwise stated, manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers and the Editor. The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse any material for publication, and final acceptance or rejection rests with the Editorial Board.

Manuscripts should be submitted online at:

Please find information relating to author guidelines and journal access by clicking here.

Online Access

Access to the Journal is exclusively online from July 2018.

Access for members of the APSN and Sponsoring Societies is available via the Membership Login Page. Click “Request New User Account” to signup.



